Michaelin Reamy-Watts

Individualized Color Analysis Palettes by Michaelin Reamy Watts

Out of a color system of thousands of different fabrics, Michaelin Reamy Watts will create an individual color palette of select fabrics that represent your unique color harmony and design. The palette template used by Michaelin was designed by Suzanne Caygill. Its continued use by Michaelin Reamy Watts was directed by Suzanne before her passing in 1994. Michaelin will identify your Season as well as your individual Type within the Season. Your consultation will include your particular gems, metals, prints and woods for interiors.

A Natural Color Design Consultation will not only help you look your best, it will simplify shopping and gift selection. In the long run you will save resources of time, energy and money. As you apply ideas that emerge from your Natural Color Design identification, you will find an individual style that will not only guide your wardrobe purchases, but will help you create a beautiful individualized wardrobe and environment for your home and office.

A Natural Color Design Palette for a client by Michaelin Reamy Watts Example of Natural Color and Design complimenting an individual color palette
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